WEDNESDAY, 19th September 2012 Location: Hotel Arena, Maribor |
08:00 | 10:00 | Registration of participants |
10:00 | 10:15 | Opening Ceremony |
10:15 |
10:30 |
Daniel Rebolj (University of Maribor, Slovenia) Let's print a House (opening lecture) |
Development trends in Additive Manufacturing Moderator: Igor Drstvenšek |
10:30 |
11:10 |
Terry Wohlers (Wohlers Associates, USA) The Impact of Recent Trends in Additive Manufacturing |
11:10 |
11:50 |
William Cass (Cantor Colburn LLP, USA) Intellectual Property in Additive Manufacturing |
11:50 | 12:50 | Lunch Break |
Materials in Additive Manufacturing Moderator: Klas Boivie |
12:50 |
13:30 |
Dave Bourell (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
The Evolution of Materials for Additive Manufacturing
13:30 |
14:10 |
Johannes Homa (Lithoz. K, Austria) Technical ceramics for additive-manufacturing-technologies |
14:10 | 14:40 | Coffee and tea Break |
Tehnologies behind Additive Manufacturing Moderator: Johannes Homa |
14:40 |
15:20 |
Klaus Stadlmann (Dreve, Germany) LMove Heads - The Scan LED Technology |
15:20 |
16:00 |
Klas Boivie (SINTEF Raufoss Manufacturing AS, Norway)
The Hybrid Manufacturing Cell: An integrated solution for Additive Manufacturing with CNC machining |
17:00 |
18:30 |
Surprise section / Sports shoes and casual clothes required |
20:00 | 23:00 | Highlanders dinner |
THURSDAY, 20th September 2012 Location: University of Maribor |
09:00 | 09:30 | Opening ceremony |
Using the possibilities of AM Moderator: Terry Wohlers |
09:30 |
10:10 |
Michaella Janse van Vuuren (Nomili, South Africa) Moveable Sculptures |
10:10 |
10:50 |
Lionel T, Dean (FutureFactories, UK) Additive Manufacture: Added Design Value |
10:50 |
11:10 |
Hadley Brooks (University of Central Lancashire, UK) A Data Processing Chain for Producing Personalised Lithophane Lighting Products Using Additive Manfacturing |
11:10 | 11:40 | Coffee break & poster section |
Research in AM Moderator: David Bourell |
11:40 |
12:20 |
Phillip Reeves (Econolyst Ltd, UK)
Global research trends in Additive Manufacturing - reviewing the past to inform the future |
12:20 |
12:40 |
Kim Ragaert (University College Ghent, Belgium)
Thermoregulation of a micro-extrusion system for 3D plotting of thermally sensitive thermoplastics |
12:40 |
13:00 |
Florian Kühnlein (University of Erlangen Nürnberg, Germany)
Fundamental Investigations of the Degredation Behavior of PA12 - Plastic Powders |
13:00 | 14:10 | Lunch break |
Laser sintering and melting Moderator: Slavko Dolinšek |
14:10 |
14:30 |
Andreas Wegner (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Correlation Between Melt's Temperature During Laser Exposure and Part Properties in Laser Sintering |
14:30 |
14:50 |
Rupesh Chudasama (De Montfort University, UK)
Synthesis of an Electrophotographic Toner for AM |
14:50 |
15:10 |
Manickavasagam Krishnan (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
Optimization of process parameters based on Design of Experiments in Direct Metal Laser Sintering |
15:10 |
15:30 |
Eleonora Atzeni (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
A DoE approach for evaluating the quality of self-supporting faces in Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) |
15:30 | 16:00 | Coffee break & poster section |
Technologies in AM Moderator: Slavko Dolinšek |
16:00 |
16:15 |
Noelia Díaz Padilla (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain)
Design, simulation and manufacturing of new rotational bimaterial mould made by additive manufacturing and electroforming
16:15 |
16:30 |
Karsten Edelmann (Concept Laser GmbH, Germany) Process monitoring and quality assurance of generatively fabricated components |
16:30 |
16:45 |
Steffan Ritt (SLM Solutions GmbH, Germany) Will Metal Additive Manufacturing Technology be able to fulfill the customers requirements? |
16:45 |
17:00 |
Peter Rosker (EOS GmbH, Germany) The EOS e-Manufacturing Vision; On the road to becoming the leading supplier of e-Manufacturing solutions |
17:00 |
17:15 |
Philip Reeves (Econolyst Ltd, UK) KARMA project "knowledge based software for automating AM process optimisation" |
17:15 |
18:45 |
Visit to the Laboratories of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |
20:00 | 23:00 |
Opening ceremony of Free Form Challenge
The exhibition will be held in collaboration with:
THURSDAY, 20th September 2012 Location: University of Maribor |
POSTER SECTION Moderator: Nicolae Balc |
Design, Technology and Medical Applications in AM |
11:10 |
11:15 |
Javier Munguia (Newcastle University, England) Delivering personalised orthotics via Additive Manufacturing |
11:15 |
11:20 |
Luka Jancic (Sadar + Vuga d.o.o., Slovenia) The use of Additive Technologies in Architectural Model Making |
11:20 |
11:25 |
Kaja Antlej (IB-PROCADD d.o.o., Slovenia) Learning about additive and other 3D technologies using interactive communication tools |
11:25 |
11:30 |
Mirjam Knothe (Fachhochschule Aachen, Germany) Education for Additive Technologies |
11:30 |
11:35 |
Razvan Pacurar (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania) Design of a wind turbine rotor made by selective laser sintering (sls) |
11:35 |
11:40 |
Juliana Rosa Diaz (Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal) Optimization of Electrospun PCL Fibres for Tissue Engineering |
11:40 |
11:45 |
Zsolt Matjusz (Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary) The role of additive manufacturing related technologies in the manufacturing strategy
and operations performance of companies |
Research and Development in AM and Rapid Tooling Applications |
15:10 |
15:15 |
Diego Manfredi (IIT - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy) Optimization of process parameters for the realization of AlSiMg/SiC composites
by Direct Metal Laser Sintering |
15:15 |
15:20 |
Razvan Pacurar (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania) Research on the accuracy of injection molds made by selective laser melting |
15:20 |
15:25 |
Alina Luca (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania) Research Regarding The Optimal Feeder Design in Vacuum Casting Process |
15:25 |
15:30 |
Alexandru Popan (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania) A New Method for Manufacturing Complex Parts Using Abrasive Water Jet Technology |
15:30 |
15:35 |
Maximilian Drexler) (Institute of Polymer Technology University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany Influence of powder coating on part density as a function of coating parameters and part positioning |
15:35 |
15:40 |
Ana Pilipović (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Croatia) Influence of orientation and UV radiation on the mechanical properties of FDM prototype |
15:40 |
15:45 |
Tomasz Kurzynowski) (Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland Laser additive technology for processing Ti6Al7Nb alloy |
FRIDAY, 21st September 2012 Location: Hotel Arena, Maribor |
Theme of the day: Additive technology in medical practice |
08:00 | 09:00 | Registration of participants |
09:00 | 09:15 | Opening ceremony |
Tissue Engineering and Cranio-Maxillofacial surgery Moderator: Oliver Djahani |
09:15 |
09:55 |
Xiaohong Wang (Tsinghua University, China)
Cell assembling techniques for complex organ manufacturing |
09:55 |
10:25 |
Jules Poukens (Faculty of Medicine, University Hasselt, Belgium)
3D printed jawbone: A new era in reconstruction? |
10:25 |
10:55 |
Tadej Strojnik (University Clinical Centre Maribor, Department of Neurosurgery, Slovenia)
Custom made cranioplasty prostheses - our experiences in skull reconstructions
10:55 |
11:25 |
Tatiana Marisa Fernandez (Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal)
Physical blending for scaffolds production in tissue engineering applications |
11:25 | 12:25 | Snack break |
Orthopaedic Surgery and Implant Design Moderator: Jules Poukens |
12:25 |
12:55 |
Oliver Djahani (Orthopaedic Hospital Stolzalpe, Department for Hip- and Knee Reconstruction, Austria)
Custom-fit Total Knee Arthroplasty |
12:55 |
13:25 |
Matevž Tomaževič (University Clinical Centre Ljubljana, Department of Traumatology, Slovenia)
Preoperative 3D Planning in Articular Fracture Surgery |
13:25 |
13:55 |
Tomaž Tomažič (University of Maribor, Slovenia)
Personalized Hip, Shoulder and Knee Endoprosthetic |
13:55 |
14:25 |
Matjaž Merc (University Clinical Centre Maribor, Department of Orthopedc Surgery, Slovenia)
Pedicular screw placement in l/S spine using RP drill guide |
14:25 |
14:55 |
Nicoale Balc (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Research on the life-cycle of a medical implant made by selective laser melting |
14:55 | 15:25 | Coffee break |
Maxillofacial Surgery and Data Processing Moderator: Nataša Ihan Hren |
15:25 |
15:55 |
Lars-Erik Rännar (Mid Sweden University, Sweden)
The development of a design and manufacturing centre in Sweden for craniomaxillofacial implants
15:55 |
16:25 |
Miha Verdenik (Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
The three dimensional scans of human face as research, diagnostic and therapeutic tool of dentofacial deformities
16:25 |
16:55 |
Marko Božič (University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia)
The use of the individual bone substitutes in orthognathic surgery
16:55 |
17:25 |
Juho Vehviläinen, Jukka Tuomi (Aalto University, Finland)
Web Platform for Collaboration and Medical Case Documentation